Monday, 16 June 2014

A Week Off

Due to "real job" scheduling we could not get together this Monday for our weekly breakfast write-up.
This edible outing is not a paid gig. We pay for our own breakfast. Eating food without bias. We eat what we want and pass the flavours on to you. Undertaking such a minimal cost endeavor still requires funding which has been earned from working at large, non food related, corporations.
To date, the lady and gent, have sat down at five locations thus far. There is a not-so scientific process to our choices. We are going alphabetically. Please don't be worried about not seeing the posts for the locations we hit pre-P because there were none. We started with 'P'. Why? We were hungry and didn't know where else to go.
The alphabetized method was created to prevent us from visiting only familiar restaurants. Only two of the spots had the gentleman visited before; The Pancake Man and Piccadilly. The former he had not been into in at least 12 years during a vacation, and the latter used to have clowns plastered on every wall which scarred poor Aaron. He has lived on Cape Cod for ten years, having moved here in 2004. With his first paying job being as a lunch and dinner restaurant waiter he had many mornings open. Pre-determined favourites would not suffice for Carissa. New to the Cape in 2014, the lady wanted adventure. She yearned to visit the untouched Cape Cod. Diners, dives, posh resorts, B&Bs, food trucks, donut shops, delis, cafes, coffee shops, convenience stores, and farmers markets, from Provincetown to the Cape Cod canal. We would go wherever she could get here hands on some eggs and a side of meat.
So it was agreed. We would go in an order that wouldn't rule out any establishment. Tackling two restaurants per letter. Recording our stops wasn't even discussed until day one.
How do we keep track of all this? At first it was thought that a memento from each restaurant would help us remember. Perhaps a take-out menu or a mug. The Pancake Man had some clever t-shirts hanging from the rafters. They also sold mugs at the cost of half our breakfast. Too costly a memento. How about words and pictures? Those are as free to us as is this blog to you.
It has become apparent that half the fun of our excursions has been writing about it. We would like to thank you for coming by each week and reliving our meals and experiences.  We hope you will follow us all the way back to 'O' and on. If you have any thoughts or recommendations please comment here or wherever you found us. The gentleman is willing to try meal suggestions, it will be seen if the lady will stray from her eggs and meats.

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